ICOON is a picture dictionary for communicating all over the world.
Imagine you are at a loss for words. Then all you need to do is point at the right icon and the person you’re talking to will be in the picture. You can forget about notes and pens, and if your drawing skills are not famous anyway: ICOON picture dictionary is – for its expressiveness, handling and versatility. Tried and tested by tourists and business people all over the world, the invention of Berlin designer Gosia Warrink is now a permanent fixture in the lives of countless frequent travellers. Fancy a little trip?
On holiday and your translation app goes on strike? Back to the roots! The ICOON picture dictionary functions perfectly without electricity, WiFi or phone networks. Of course, you can communicate effectively and climate-neutrally with gestures on your travels too. But what signs and signals will you use if you have diarrhoea or need a mosquito net or a delivery bicycle? That’s where ICOON comes in. Designed to help you work your way out of even the trickiest situations all over the world.
ICOON eco is the first environmentally-produced picture dictionary for ecological globetrotters: 100% recyclable, plastic-free and printed with non-toxic inks. Over 2,000 symbols, pictograms and photos facilitate non-verbal communication whatever the situation. Hay fever, plastic-free packaging, dental floss? Simply point to the corresponding icon and voilà!
ICOON app for iOS & Android
Over 1,100 symbols divided into the categories: clothing, hygiene, health, money, leisure, accommodation, authorities, travel, measurements, emotions, food, world, eco.
The ‘Apps & Co’ Magazine comments: “5 stars out of 5. Great idea: with this picture dictionary you can get around the world without knowing a foreign language.” ‘Die Welt’: “Anyone travelling abroad should have the global picture dictionary ICOON in their luggage.”
Media echo on ICOON
Articles among others in: FAZ, Tagesspiegel, RBB, Deutsche Welle, taz.de, fluxFM, Designers Digest, Novum, F5, PAGE, Neon, GEO, Conde Nast Traveller/National Geographic, El Pais, VIEW/Stern, Bücher, Schweizer Buchhandel, Buchkultur, Publishers Perspectives, Bonner General-Anzeiger, good impact, Cosmopolitan, ELLE Germany, ELLE Canada, ELLE Polska, Celebrity, Sportswear International, TUSH, Glamour, Brigitte, AD Mexico, AD Germany, Holiday & Lifestyle, Clever Reisen!, Mate, Gala, Bunte, Männer Magazin, Léonce, Jolie, Style Mag, FELD Hommes, Freundin, fit for fun, healthy living, SPA, inside, Young, The MINI International, iPhone & Co, Abenteuer & Reisen, Take Off, Golfwelt, Segeln, tauchen, Off Road, FHM, GQ.com, Absatzwirtschaft, El Pais, Twoj Styl, MoleskineCity.com and more.